Friday, September 18, 2009

Wheat Bran

Mummy likes this search engine. hehe. it often provides her with the information that she needs regarding ingredients. very informative. Below are some facts taken from the site.
One cup of wheat bran contains 99% of the US recommended daily allowance (RDA) of fiber, nine grams of protein, and 34% of the RDA for iron. Wheat bran is also high in protein, magnesium, manganese, niacin, phosphorus, zinc and vitamin B6, and is low in fat, with no cholesterol, and no sugar or sodium.
It can be added to cereals like granola or to baked goods. Wheat bran muffins are a natural choice, but adding wheat bran to pancakes, biscuits, waffles, or even cookies is a great way to bulk up the nutritional value of a food. Some people even take wheat bran in powdered form as a way of getting their needed dietary fiber each day. A small amount of wheat bran can be added to smoothies, especially when it is finely powdered.

Wheat bran has a sweet taste, but not all find it appealing. It’s also important to start slow when adding wheat bran to foods. A little too much can easily translate to diarrhea.


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