Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A grown up girl!

today at shinjuku, i was sitting quietly in my pram while mummy shops..then KPO mummy worried that i might be hungry, offered me some snacks and beverages but i rejected them all and started to be grouchy.. scream and cry n mummy just let me be since i had rejected all her 'offers' but after a while mummy stopped the pram, looked at me in the eyes n asked me to stop crying n tell her wat i want. i tried so hard to stop crying, with tears all over my face n told mummy 'juice, juice' while trying hard to catch my breathe..n finaly i got my juice!(actually is barley tea but i call tat juice lol. my fav beverage. health concious girl!). n that makes me a happy girl all over again.

mummy WAS angry with my grouchiness but the anger all gone away when she hear 'juice, juice' LOL. she say im so cute... and she is very happy that i am finally able to tell her what i want. im a grown up girl!


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