This is the 'cake' she bought. there are alot of flavours but mummy thought these 2 seems the most delicious and she cant decide which to buy so end up she bought both! After asking for my opinion, she decided to make the strawberry milk flavoured one since thats the one i choosed.
Its easy to make. just pour the mixture into the given cup in the pack and stir in water or milk(mummy uses milk) and then put into the microwave to heat up. hehe.
This is the final product!
BUT............ i didnt eat it at all! only played with the crean n made a mess... so finally mummy threw the whole cake away after trying to feed me a few mouthful..
Look at the mess ive made below~
Since daddy's bday is just 2 weeks before me, we celebrated together!
We have our own individual bday cakes! Hehe!
Daddy was asking y no candles lol. well well.. mummy thought there is no need of candles esp when its dangerous as i might accidentally touch it..
Tomorrow mummy will bring me to a disney free trial lesson! I hope i can enjoy tomorrow! She is also thinking of bringing me to either disneyland or the zoo on my actual bday. Just me n mummy since its a weekday n daddy will be busy...
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