(makes about 7-8 pancakes)
1 cup whole wheat flour
2 tablespoon baking powder
1/2 cup baby barley cereal (or other baby cereal-mummy omitted this)
1 cup formula (or another liquid such as milk)
1/2 cup mashed banana (or fruit of your choice-mummy uses apple puree)
1 tbsp melted margarine or butter (unsalted type-mummy omit this)
3 egg yolks
1/2 cup baby oatmeal (mummy uses normal grind up organic rolled oats)
apple juice (about 1/2 cup) Use water if you prefer
Add cinnamon, nutmeg, wheat germ, dash of vanilla or other flavorings if you wish.
Directions:Mix all ingredients together and add enough juice to make pancake consistency. Cook on cook top in frying pan as with "regular" pancakes. **Freezes Well**
Verdict: Jumpy LOVES this!
I see that the recipe has quite a few ingredients that you may have omitted for jumpy. So which ingredients did you use and in what quantity? How many pancakes did you make?
i use only 50% of the ingredients stated(i always use only half of wat every recipe says cos dun wanna make alot..)
these are wat i used
1/2 cup barley flour
1/2 cup fresh milk
1/4 cup apple puree
2 egg yolks
1/4 cup grind up organic rolled oats
apple juice (about 1/4 cup)
forgot to mention, i made 3 thin pancakes. if u make thicker pancakes, then u will make maybe 2?
sorry i realised there is a mistake. i used 1/2 cup grind oats. not 1/4. i didnt use bb cereal cos i dun have. since u have u can use 1/4 cup bb cereal n 1/4 cup oats if u prefer.
How do you make such pretty pancakes? Mine always look rather deformed... haha...
hmm.. deformed.. i didnt do much.. i changed the photos of the pancakes today cos i made another batch n looks better than the 1st batch lol. maybe u can try using smaller pan? so somehow the batter is able to stay within the pancake size? my pan is exactly my pancake size.. the pan helps to shape the pancakes too since they cant go out of the pan hehe
how much batter do you pour in to make 1 pancake and how long before you flip to the other side?
i used 1.5 ladle for one pancake. hmm.. i didnt time.. i use non stick pan n totally no oil.. i pour the batter in, wait for a while until i see bubbles coming up. then i try to shake to pan a bit.. once the pancake can move around the pan(no parts stick to the bottom of the pan), i flip. i also make sure the top(the side which is facing me) is cooked enough before i flip(meaning when i shake the pan, the top batter is not moving). i used lowest fire all the way though..
1.5ladle's how many ml?
hmm.. didnt measure leh sorry..cos my ladle doesnt comes with mesurement.. i jsut scoop the batter up from my bowl thus didnt measure it.. actually dosent matter how much batter ma. no matter how much batter, the way to cook is the same. jsut how big the pancakes is only.. for me cos my pan is small, i just take enough to fill the pan's base PLUS a little bit more
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