Mummy has been in the shopping mood recently and today after my music class, she decided to bring me to toy r us ! Actually she only planned to buy me a new sippy (my old one is still in good state but she says she needs one for juice/barley water etc etc. so she can bring out and i wont spill them onto myself as i always do with those normal juice packs) but end up she bought me alot more! so from now i will have 2 sippies if we are out for long period of time hehe. So a new sippy, a portable stroller fan for the summer... n the below 3 items
To wash my hair!

As what the picture shows above, this thing is used to wash my hair.. the yellow part is made of rubber and its very soft. So just place this onto my forehead and pour the water onto my head so the water wont drip down my face. Tried it tonight. so far so good. I wasnt being very co-operative (keep moving my head) thus mummy got impatient n ended up using the shower head lol.

Drawing board..

Drawing Mat!

This mat is interesting! hehe. Its basically a mat.. then there are 2 pens and 3 stamps/chops that comes with it. all u need to do is to add water into the pen as shown above. as long as the pen's tip is wet, u r ready to start drawing! Once the drawings dried up, they dissappear! so u can draw as many times as u like to! The stamps/chops work the same way. jsut wet them with tap water and start stamping! I love this alot and kept on playing with it the whole day! lol

Of this this is only water thus it wont be dirty!
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