yesterday we went to the beach and i come home with a few mosquito bites. among them, one of them grew into a huge swell as shown above.(swell up half of my lower arm..) mummy was a bit worried thus she searched online and came across this term "Skeeter Syndrome". But for me, it didnt itch nor is it painful.. It just feels warm n hard... grandma (mummy's mummy) advise her to bring me to a pd but then she feels it should be fine after a few days after reading up on the net.. meanwhile, she will keep applying calendula cream (from california baby) and aloe vera gel on the affected area to speed up the healing process and soothe the itch (if any)
I have always had a bad reaction to 'bug bites', but recently, mosquito bites are swelling up like baseballs. now i can go to the doc and get tested. for me it is very itchy and ends up bruising. thank you.
My toddler son has recently been diagnosed with Skeeter Syndrome and your pictures are EXACTLY what we've experienced with him over the last couple of years! I started a blog sharing our experience in hopes of connecting with others. We've recently had a lot of success treating his reactions with Melaleuca oil... I'd be happy to send you a free sample so you can try it out on your little one... it has made a big difference in our lives and our ability to manage and treat our little one's reactions. Copy & Paste the link below into your browser to check out our story... http://skeetersyndrome.blogspot.com/2012/09/treatments.html
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