Mummy fell asleep while trying to make me sleep last night and daddy woke her up to see the heavy snow hehe. According to the news, its been 2 years since the last heavy snow in tokyo. Last year it snowed too (on 27th feb-my 4 mths bday so mummy remembers well hehe) but it was not as heavy as this time's.

Mummy is unable to get a nice shot of the snow... its was so heavy that we cannot see anything outside the house! not even the building opposite... so when the snow calms down.. mummy manage to take a photo of the floor covered with snow.. see it?? the roads are all white and we can see the trackss of the tires of the cars which drove past in black!
This morning, the snow has more or less melted. The heavy snow only lasted maybe 30mins to 1 hr and it stopped totally... See the difference of this photo and the one above?

Too bad i was asleep and cant play or see the snow... hopefully i can be able to see it soon again! Snow snow!
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