Monday, September 28, 2009
Look at me Dancing!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
My Fav Commercial!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Wonder Purse
See the lit up LED light at the side?
Ta Da! Neat n Tidy!
From my pigeon wet wipes(pink packet) to the right, tissue papers(3 packets! lol), mummy's sunglass, LED light, my tonga sling, my leg warmer, mummy's long sunblock gloves, my hat (white), mummy's card holder n mirror. there are alot of unused packets! so from now, mummy dosent need to dig for her things! unable to find hp when its ringing, took my tonga sling instead of my leg warmer n vice versa, standing in front of the train gate searching for her card holder n so on.. gone are the days!
** this includes 14 pockets. smallest is the size of a lipgloss/lip stick, biggest is the size of a tissue paper n my hand my mouth wipes (the pink packet). for mummy's wallet, she got to put in the center as its too big. She folded my hat, leg warmer and tonga sling n slot them into the pockets as well! lol
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Koala Bear
but mummy says its dangerous to sleep on their bed in case i fall off the bed at night or they crush me during their sleep so she thought of an idea to co sleep yet safe!
She removed one side of my cot and then push it to join to her bed! this way, i can sleep in my cot yet can sleep with mummy n have my freedom of going in n out of my cot! I slept well in it last night! Woke up twice n crawl towards mummy n fell asleep on her chest instantly! hehe. Convenient for me, easier for mummy. great idea!

Friday, September 18, 2009
Oat Bran

Eggless Apple-nana Muffins
Wheat Bran

Wheat bran has a sweet taste, but not all find it appealing. It’s also important to start slow when adding wheat bran to foods. A little too much can easily translate to diarrhea.
Blackstrap molasses

Blackstrap molasses is a good source of Iron n Calcium. Not only is it a great source of iron and calcium, but it's also a source of potassium, magnesium, copper, and manganese.
Only 2 teaspoons of blackstrap molasses would provide 13.3% of the daily value for iron and 11.8% daily value for calcium.
**Mummy read some sites mentioning that this helps in turning grey hair black again due to perhaps the copper... oh well.. anyone interested to try it n feedback?? hehe.
Can be added almost into anything that u would like to sweeten! Eg milk, cereals, coffee, tea, yogurt, baking cookies, pancakes, muffins etc etc. If you dun find the taste too overwhelming, it can also be added to simply hot water!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Nutritional Needs of a Baby(per meal)
dosent matter. The key to solid now is to allow the bb to try to eat from a spoon and try differnet taste n texture. Their main nutrition source is still from milk till 1yr old.
Texture: Puree
7-8mths old (preferably 2 meals a day)
50-80g of carbo (bread/pasta/rice etc)
20-30g of veg/fruits
10-15g of protein (eg fish/meat) OR
30-40g of tofu OR
1 egg yolk, 1/3 egg-if your child is not allergy to egg white, OR
50-70g of dairy(eg cheese, yogurt etc)
Texture: Tofu's softness
9-11mths (aim for 3 meals per day)
80-90g of carbo (bread, pasta, rice etc)
30-40g of veg/fruits
15g protein (fish/meat etc) OR
45g of tofu OR
1/2 whole egg OR
80g dairy (eg cheese, yogurt etc)
Texture: soft boiled carrot then can be mash between fingers easily
12-18mths (3 meals per day)
90g of carbo (bread, pasta, rice etc)
40-50g of veg/fruits
15-20g protein (fish/meat etc) OR
50-55g of tofu OR
1/2-2/3whole egg OR
100g dairy (eg cheese, yogurt etc)
Texture: Boiled soft carrot that can be mashed by a spoon with a little strength
New Shoes!
Some pics of the shoes.. They are very light and soft! Mummy loves them! I likes them too and i didnt 'try' to remove them as i did with other shoes AT THE MOMENT hehe. though they are BIG, they didnt drop off! Good! hopefully this can last me a longgggggg longggggggggg time... hehe
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Oatmeal Fish Nugget
15g flounder fillet (any fish u like. best to be white fish)
beaten egg yolk(1/2 is more than enough)
grounded oats (or bread crumbs. u can use crushed up cornflakes or biskuits as well)
Dip the fish fillet into flour and then dip into the beaten egg yolk. then dip into the ground up oatmeal powder and then shallow fry it. Careful not to break the fish!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Wheat Germ
Nutritional Value of Adding Wheat Germ to Baby Food
1 and 2/3 tablespoons of wheat germ contains the adult RDA of:
4 grams of protein
6% Iron
20% Vitamin E
20% Folic Acid and
10% Thiamin to name just a few
Add Wheat Germ in Baby Food Recipes:
Sprinkle wheat germ on fruits
Blend it in with cream cheese over toast
Add it to yogurt with fruit
Add to homemade cookies
Add it into cereals
Use it to coat slippery finger foods such as bananas, peaches and pears
The ways to add wheat germ to baby food recipes are endless.
Another important vitamin found in wheat germ is vitamin E. Vitamin E is a very important antioxidant. It is helpful in preventing the body's aging process and also to prevent heart disease. Vitamin E also helps to prevent blood clots and is needed to strengthen the body’s immune system.
Wheat germ has been found to be very beneficial in order to keep the body in tip top condition. It is used by athletes in their diet to improve cardiovascular function and improve endurance levels. Body builders will also add wheat germ to their diets in order to bulk up and maintain the nutritional levels they need to perform.
You can buy wheat germ from all good health stores and many supermarkets will carry it as well. It can either be purchased in toasted or fresh form. There are also many food products that already contain wheat germ. A number of cereals are made with it, as well as bread and flour.
If you make your own bread or cakes you can easily add wheat germ when baking by using it instead of a small amount of flour. You will find that it has a sweet, almost nutty flavor that is not too overpowering. It can also be added to meat dishes, eggs, vegetables and even yogurt.

Of course raw wheat germ is much more healthy compared to toasted ones but it is harder to find in stores and it goes rancid easily. Mummy buys online which delivers to us in those keep chilled containers n immediately she transfer it into the fridge though its not yet opened. For toasted wheat germ, once opened, it needs to be refrigerated but before that, its ok to leave in rm temp n of cos, toasted wheat germ taste better since there is this nutty taste hehe
Sweet potato and chicken sandwich
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Oatmeal applesauce pancakes
(makes about 7-8 pancakes)
1 cup whole wheat flour
2 tablespoon baking powder
1/2 cup baby barley cereal (or other baby cereal-mummy omitted this)
1 cup formula (or another liquid such as milk)
1/2 cup mashed banana (or fruit of your choice-mummy uses apple puree)
1 tbsp melted margarine or butter (unsalted type-mummy omit this)
3 egg yolks
1/2 cup baby oatmeal (mummy uses normal grind up organic rolled oats)
apple juice (about 1/2 cup) Use water if you prefer
Add cinnamon, nutmeg, wheat germ, dash of vanilla or other flavorings if you wish.
Directions:Mix all ingredients together and add enough juice to make pancake consistency. Cook on cook top in frying pan as with "regular" pancakes. **Freezes Well**
Verdict: Jumpy LOVES this!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Stir fried flounder/flatfsh
Spinach French Toast
3 tablespoon milk
15g spinach(chopped)
1 beaten egg yolk (i cant have egg whites yet thus mummy uses only egg yolk)
1 slice of white bread (cut off the sides)
Mix the milk, beaten egg yolk n chopped spinach together n dip the bread(without the sides) into the mixture and then fry it lightly over medium fire on a frying pan on both sides until it turns golden brown.
** u can use any puree of fruits/veg to make the french toast. so far mummy tried blue berries, papaya, mango, banana, brocoli etc..just mix them into the egg n milk mixture.

Look at me eating! Messy yeah? I didnt finish it though... mummy kept the rest for my snack...
Friday, September 4, 2009
My new hobby
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Our House in Japan!