born: 27th Oct 2008
time: 12 noon!
Delivery Process:
Mummy was waiting impatiently for me to come n see the world n 2 days before EDD(29th Oct 2008), i decided to come out to meet her n daddy!
3am-Waterbag burst (mummy told daddy calmy that she needed to go to hospital but daddy is still sleeping like a pig. mummy was asleep when the waterbag burst as well). She took a shower and stupidly put on her makeup n contact lens!
3.45am-called up the cord blood bank to inform them to collect the cord blood at the hospital later and then wake daddy again. This time, daddy knows she means business! lol. So he woke and they went to the hospital
4am-reached hospital and was checked to confirm its the burst of waterbag. Then proceed to the hospital's room. Mummy was hungry n told daddy to go and get her some sandwiches! At this moment, no pain felt yet.
7am-So for this 3 hrs, mummy has been eating n talking n napping here n there since she haven felt any pain as yet.. contractions become irrgular and my heartbeat decrease a little.. so doc ask mummy to lie on her side instead of her back and my heartbeat increase again back to normal but her contractions are getting lesser n lesser which is not a good sign. She was only 2cm dilated..
10am-doc decided that he should induce mummy and thus get the induction process started
11am-doc inject something into mummy drip for induction and then clear her bowels after that! Immediately mummy felt the pain and wanted the epidural(lousy mummy!) but then she cant get it as she is stuck on the toilet bowl clearing her bowels. LOL. she said she can feel my head pressing on her cervix and kinda worried that i might just fell inside the toilet bowl full of her poop! GROSS!
1130am-finally mummy begin to leave the toilet bowl (she cant really walk due to the pain thus stuck inside for a long time) and doc came to check on her dilation. At the pt, she is still moaning for epidural! Finally doc told her she is not in time to take the epidural as im already on the way out! So they wheeled mummy to the labour ward immediately. Mummy remembered vividly that everything seems so rush n messy after the doc instructed the nurses to wheel her to the labour ward LOL
12am-Im out! Just after 3 pushes. Without epidural as mummy cant take it in time hehe. Lucky for mummy! She was very surprised that the whole painful process lasted only for 1 hr and said that she dun mind to induce again without epidural if the 2nd bb will come out as fast as me haha.
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