Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Last year, my `yi po` bought me Sheila May from disneysea and i love her alot. Sheila May is a disneysea bear made by minnie. Its a present from Minnie to Mickey`s Duffy Bear (Minnie made duffy for Mickey to accompany him when he went on a sailing trip as Minnie is worried about Mickey feeling too lonely without her). And mummy has been thinking of buying me a Duffy too to accompany Sheila May (They are a couple) but it took her one and a half years to make that decision! So last month, mummy friend went to Disneysea so Mummy got her help to buy Duffy! Now the couples finally met and Sheila May will not be lonely anymore! Strangely, though i loved Sheila May, i was not really attached to her much till Duffy came along. I started to play with both of them everyday, talk to them, bring them out with me anywhere i go (especially Sheila May) and we are sleeping together every night too! I will hug them them to sleep and nap even when im out! Mummy is glad i finally found a lovey after 3 long years...


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