Wednesday, December 28, 2011
In Japan, we celebrate a festival called 七五三 festival. We celebrate the growth of kids when they are 3, 5 and 7 years old. 3 and 7 years old for girls and 5 year old for boys. In that year, usually families go to shrine to pray (thank the god for looking over the kid) and some will choose to take photos in the studio. I took mine in the studio which cost a bomb! Mummy says maybe she will not be going to the studio when im 7! LOL But then she is very happy with the photos which i took at the studio!
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
My Kindergarten Goods!
In Japan, many schools will ask parents to MAKE bags for kids to bring to school and there is a fix design and size to follow in every school (Design is basically same but sizes might differ). Some schools however, allow parents to buy from those ready made if parents are able to find similar sizes. Mummy thought of buying for me but then eventually, she made them! Since its cheaper, more personalised and its mummy`s hobby to MAKE things (eg knitting). But she has never really make bags before (sewing) so she decided to attend sewing classes HAHA. She managed to find a shop near out house which teaches sewing for free on the condition that you purchase the materials from their shop. So mummy signed up for the classes and these are what she made for me!
Bags making materials!
Lesson Bag (for books, crayons etc) FRONT
BACK (notice the pocket? it kind of camouflage inside hehe)
I LOVE them!
The lesson bag looks big on me huh? LOL. but this is the size indicated by the school.. or am i too small?? hehe
Mummy made all these by an electrical sewing machine (its the first time in her whole life to use one!) and now shes all addicted and thinking of buying one! LOL.
Actually Mummy wanted to buy me the above kitty set hehe. But it cost double of the amount that she had spent on the 3 items above and the item(shoe case) on the most right hand side is an item which is unnecessary for me (my kindergarten will provide one) so its kind of not worth it to pay double for 2 items and 1 unnecessary item so mummy decided to make! satisfy herself too since its something she enjoys doing hehe. But the kitty set above does look cute isnt it??? Mummy and me both love it lots!
Now.... Mummy has some cloth left over from this project and she has been thinking if she can make me some small items eg pencil case, tissue case, coin purse.... but do i need those??? LOL. think she is trying to satisfy her craving for her new found hobby! lol
Friday, November 25, 2011
Summer Trip
During the summer, we went for 2 days 1 night family trip. Daddy enjoyed his sufing while i enjoyed playing with the water by the shore. we even went to kamogawa sea world!! I had lots of fun!
World Flags!
Since 2 years ago ( when i was about 1yr 3 mths old), mummy signed me up for Shichida class (its a right brain training school) and this year, we are required to memorise things eg stories, world flags etc. Heres me memorising the world flags! IN japanese of cos...hehe
Fell sick
Immediately after the kindergarten interviews, i fell sick! I was vomitting non stop and couldnt even drink any water... everything that goes in, comes out in 5mins! But the doctor said there was no stomach virus nor sickness found... so its a mystery! I did not have any fever nor diarrhea too...during this period, i was pratically lying down everywhere i go... Mummy was wondering if its due to stress?? hmm... anyway i recovered in 3 days... but after that... i started coughing and the doctor said im a little asthmatic.. even until now (almost 1 mth), im still coughing! but then im as fine and energetic as usual! LOL. lets pray i recover soon...
Kindergarten Interview
Here in japan, we need to go through interviews in order to enter into a kindergarten! BUT that is if we apply for a private one though.. for public ones, its through balloting if the applicants exceeds the intended number of students the school is able to accept. For private kindergarten, we will be going through a 3 years education and for public, its only 2. and there are no school buses for public schools and mummy will need to make bentos everyday! So mummy decided that a private one is better LOL.
So, for private schools, the application month is usually in late october or early november.. some schools interview only the parents, some parents n kids n some only kids. and we have to be in all formal! so mummy bought a suit for herself and a `suit` for me too hehe. how do i look??
PS: this is NOT a school uniform. its just a formal attire to attend the interview. I manage to pass one of the interviews i went so i will be going to school next year!! school term starts in april in japan hehe. I love my new school and looking forward to go to school!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Music class (rythemic) party
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Happy 3rd birthday to me!
This year, daddy was away in taipei during my bday so mummy arranged for me to have a small bday party with my group of frens in tokyo. It was just a simple lunch and cake cutting session but i enjoyed myself a lot and the cake is cute n delicious! i got alot of presents from my frens as well! Happy 3rd bday to me!
Monday, September 12, 2011
Eyebrow touchup
Mummy went back for a free eyebrow touchup today at sophia browhouse . They opened another branch at bugis liang seah street..mummy loved the brows that sophia did previously but today was a total dissappointment... As usual, they were very pushy. Kept asking ah ma to buy their skincare series but of cos ah ma didnt fall to it hehe. But the brows today looks terrible!!! Very thick n unbalance!! Sophia seems to like thick brows... This time it looks thicker than the previous time n one side looks very much arch than the other... Sob...guess this will be the last time mummy goes there... Arrggggg
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Its Summer!!
Its summer now n its really hot!! Moreover, many places in japan are doing this 'save electricity campaign' due to the nuclear accident in fukushima... Its because alot of our electricity comes from nuclear reactors but now that almost all the nuclear reactors are shut down for safety sake.. we need to reduce our electricity usage... if not, the supply will exceed demand n a huge power failure will occur which i guess its something nobody wants here! So alot of cafes etc adjusted their air conditioned to be t a 28degree! or some of them even leave the air condition off!! Mummy is trying her best to save electricity too so she have not yet use the air con at home despite the heat! The highest recorded temp is about 35 degrees here in tokyo last week n average is about 33 degrees these days but its only the start of summer! so its gonna get warmer for sure! Lets hope mummy will be able to perservere till the end of summer!!! LOL. Even when she was doing her household chores, she haven switched on the air con yet! So... see me in my sweaty head!!
Kids Toilet
Yesterday we went to Toyosu Lalaport and realised that there is this KIDS TOILET for the first time!! we go there very often.. like twice a week since 2yrs ago but have never seen this! lol. Its the first time im using this toilet and i really like it so much!! i can use this toilet without any assistance since everything is made for the kids hehe. BUT mummy says she hate it because.... the place is like a mini land when everything is so small to fit us... n that includes the door's height as well!! Not sure why though haha. And... Mummy lost the sense of estimation in this toilet n got her head bang hard twice on the wall above the door!!! LOL. OUCH! n she says its still painful till now...LOL. Opps... dun let her know im laughing!!! Whahahahhaa. opps...shhh...
I can sit down on the toilet bowl by myself without any assistance since its low enough!
Take note this is a KIDS toilet. NOT a girls toilet. so im not in the gents!! lol. its unisex toilet! Lucky no boys inside.. *shy..*
I dun need a stool to climb up when i wash my hands!
See? The gap between the door n the wall above the door is at mummy's nose level! She banged her forehead real hard when she tries to enter it and then before she came out, she banged her side of the head again! Never learn her lesson... LOL
Went swimming today!
Today, mummy brought me downstairs to swim for the very first time. And its also my very first time swimming with an arm float! very very excited about the whole thing. We swam for about an hour.. at first im excited but scared since i haven been to a pool since i was like 9mths old i guess? But i do love water! hehe. At first, i kept asking mummy to hold my hand even though i am wearing arm float! But just after a mere 15-20mins, mummy asked if i wanna try to play alone without her help and i agreed. then... i fell in love with the freedom! LOL. after that, i refuse to let mummy touch me or even close to me! I enjoyed swimming with my arm float alone so much today! I wanna go again tomorrow!!! BUT... i will be having shichida class... so wont be able to do so... i wanna go again asap mummy!!!
Smug face!!
Friday, June 3, 2011
Taipei Trip!
Sorry for the long absence! its been hard to update this blog lately as mummy's pc has lost the will to live n she cant load any photos via iphone to here LOL. the only way is to use daddy's pc but daddy is always on it!!
Ok, 1.5mth ago, mummy n me met ah ma n xinyi yiyi at taipei. we have been planning this trip for sometime. main purpose is to bring ah ma there as mummy thinks she should like it since the language n food is not very different from sg's. standard of living is not tat far either..moreover, may is a cool season (other than the rain of cos!)
we stayed in a rather cheap but comfy n conveniently located hotel name Han She Hotel near the Ximen Station. Its about 3-5mins walk i suppose. Everything is good about this hotel except the breakfast lol. mummy n yiyi dosent quite seem to like it. ah ma said still ok. n the fact tat the lobby is at the 4th floor.. is rather inconvenient...

One side of the rm...

Day 1 - Walk around Ximending and had our steamboat dinner at 天外天 mala steamboat restaurant

So wat do i think of the food....

These mini burgers are really delicious!!

Ok now, this may looks disgusting.. but this is NOT a toilet bowl where u do your business lol. its a wash basin where u wash your hands after coming out from the toilet. see the tap there on the toilet bowl cover?? hehe

This is how big it is! BUT i can finish it MYSELF!! big appetite toddler! LOL. its really delicious!!! So much so tat after 1, yiyi cannot resist to get another one whahhahaa. so in all, we bought 3! 1 to share at first.. then 1 for me and 1 more for yiyi after trying the first one LOL

The other side of the rm...

The funny thing is the 2 beds are directly opposite each other which means one bed facing the tv n the other facing the back of the tv!! LOL
Below is our itinery:
Day 1 - Walk around Ximending and had our steamboat dinner at 天外天 mala steamboat restaurant
ok this is ah ma hehe

We ordered yuan1 yang1 steamboat as u can see... BUT no one dare to touch the mala side after 1 bite!!! LOL

GREAT! lol. i mean my JELLY!!! LOL
Day 2 - Lunch at Din Tai Fung, shopping at Wufenpu, went to Taipei 101 and had our dinner at Raohe Night Market

Smelly beancurd... ah ma cant resist the temptation to try it before we take the photo!

Oh look at our purchase in wufenpu tat day!! How can we survive without MY pram??!?!??! LOL

Day 3 - Brunch at Modern Toilet Restaurant, shop again at Wufenpu(didnt manage to cover it the previous day!) and went Shilin Night Market to shop and for dinner

The modern toilet restaurant is not disgustingly decorated though they used toilet bowls as the chair and bathtub with a glass on top of it as the table for our meals hehe

Ok here comes the food...lets just look at yiyi's food... japanese curry in a toilet bowl. eeekkks... wondering y she order curry in toilet bowl??? LOL
Anyone notice the niao4 hu2?? lol. its yiyi's drink... n yes she is suppose to just drink from it! But she can bring this niao4 hu2 home cos she paid extra for it whahahhahaa.

Enjoying my toilet lunch! LOL

Mummy... can i eat my ice cream now??? (ice cream in squatting toilet bowls lol)

Shilin Night Market

The most popular chicken chop in shilin night market...

Omg look at the queue!!!

Mummy's fav! Mien2 mien2 bing1. very mien2 (cottony) lol. cant feel any ice.. melt in the mouth! I love it too!

Another of mummy's fav... too bad i cant get to taste it as mummy says its too spicy for me!

Day 4 - Breakfast at Yong He Soy Milk King, shop at Taipei Underground Mall and went Tamsui (Lovers' Bridge and Fisherman Wharf) for seafood dinner

Really Yummy!! yiyi n ah ma went to try to sg version of yong he dou jiang. (there is 1 at geylang) but they say its not nice at all! hehe

Danshui.. the view we saw from the station! really pretty n such a nice weather!

We went at a really good timing! Manage to shop a bit in danshui old street then head towards the habour to get a ferry across to see the lover's bridge! On our way there, the sun started to set so we were able to get real pretty sunset photos from the ferry! Mummy has planned to reach the lovers' bridge before sunset so that we can take sunset photos on the bridge itself but it seems like the sunset photos taken on the ferry is much much nicer! hehe.

Lovers' Bridge day view

Lovers' Bridge night view
Day 5 - Lunch at Party World and bye taipei!
(this photo is taken at night though lol)
The party world in taipei are all VERY big! Those that mummy knows of are all a stand alone building like this. It looks like a hotel inside! very high class and huge! N most importantly.. its VERY CHEAP!! lol. the food is very nice as well. Every KTV rm has its own toilets too!

Have a duet with mummy before flying back to japan!

It was drizzling most of the time during this trip but we did not miss anything since the rain is not strong enough to cause any harm hehe. On the day of the danshui visit, the weather was very very fine! We were so lucky! However, it rained very very heavily on the day we left.. anyway we lost nothing as well since we had already planned to go for KTV in party world tat day hehe.
Of cos, we bought lots of things! lol. ah ma n yiyi too!!
Mummy's loot
My loot!!
Flying back to japan...
The trip was rather short but fun. very very super tiring for me though... cos these ladies enjoyed their night market shopping so much that they only reach hotel around midnight or even after! so most of the days i actually KO outside in my pram...( usually KO around 10pm cos i skipped my naps too hehe) n then didnt manage to wake up after going back to hotel thus mummy transferred me to the bed n i continue to sleep through the night LOL. mummy misses the trip alot after returning back to japan. We took LOTS of photos lol. but its rather impossible to see all here... so add us on facebook! lol.
PS: mummy took a whole 2 hrs to update this page!! Now its time to go to sleep... update the rest of this blog tmr! (daddy is in taipei now for business trip so mummy has this pc for herself thus she better finish updating all the post!! LOL) ive long been in my dreamland though....hehe
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